we treat:

1.Kidney and urinary tract (urological disease)
- Chronic pyelonephritis (primary and secondary) in remission, including those with a single kidney
- Status after plastic surgery for kidney and urinary tract, but not before 2-3 months after surgery, without prejudice to passage of urine and kidney dysfunction is higher NN1st.
- Chronic cystitis is tuberculous nature.
- Urolithiasis
- Summer genetic diathesis
- Hronichni prostatitis
- Dobroyakisni hiperplazii prostate, without prejudice to the passage of urine and kidney dysfunction is higher NN1st.
2. Diseases of the digestive system:
- Chronic gastritis with preserved or altered secretory function of the stomach outside the period of exacerbation (within 3 months)
- Functional disorders of the stomach secretory and motor disorders tow them out of the aggravation phase.
- Chronic colitis and enterocolitis light and medium severity, beyond the aggravation phase.
- Chronic holinhit, holitsestit, hepatitis of different etiology outside the period of exacerbation.
- Dyskinesia of the gallbladder, biliary tract and intestine.
- Chronic pancreatitis in remission phase, with no inclination to frequent exacerbations. Latent form of chronic pancreatitis.
- Eksohenno-constitutional obesity I - II levels.

санаторий верховина курорт соймы санаторий верховина курорт межгорье санаторий верховина карпаты